Speech Mishap

Rene Almendarez
6 min readMay 30, 2023


In the heart of one of New York’s most celebrated restaurants, a party was in full swing. The restaurant, bathed in a warm, golden glow of chandeliers hanging from a high ceiling, was filled with the buzz of conversation, laughter, and clinking of glasses. The tables were decorated with luxurious tablecloths, sparkling crystalware, and blooming arrangements of roses and peonies. It was a scene of luxury and celebration, befitting the occasion — a dinner being held in honor of Dr. Eleanor Hughes.

Dr. Hughes was a leading researcher in the field of biotechnology. Known for her groundbreaking work in gene therapy, she had developed a treatment that promised to revolutionize the way certain genetic diseases were managed. This achievement had earned her the prestigious global Innovator of the Year award, and tonight’s dinner was organized by her research institution to honor her accomplishment.

Eleanor, however, felt uneasy. She was a scientist, more comfortable in her laboratory than in the midst of New York’s social elite. She had a round, friendly face framed with curly hair, her eyes were keen and intelligent, and she exuded an air of quiet competence. Yet she found herself overwhelmed by the attention she was receiving.

As the night progressed, she was gently nudged towards the podium for her speech. The murmurs of conversation died down, replaced by an expectant silence. Eleanor gripped her notes, her heart pounding in her chest. She had always struggled with public speaking and this was by far the largest crowd she had ever addressed.

She cleared her throat, glanced down at her notes, and began speaking. She talked about her research, her team, the countless hours they had all invested into the project. She then began to delve into the more technical aspects of her work, hoping to convey her passion to the crowd.

As she was nearing the end of her speech, Eleanor attempted to add some humor to lighten the dense scientific discourse. She began an anecdote about a lab mishap involving a centrifuge and a rogue petri dish, a story that had always earned laughs among her close-knit team.

But, lost in her nervousness and not quite finding the right rhythm, she ended up sharing the story in a confusing, jumbled way. She lost her place in her notes, stuttered, and mixed up the punchline. There was a pause, and then a smattering of awkward laughter trickled out from the audience.

Eleanor’s face turned beet red. She tried to laugh it off and find her place in her notes, but the damage had been done. She hurriedly finished her speech, her voice trembling slightly, and hastily retreated from the podium, feeling the weight of her embarrassment.

The applause that followed was polite but lacked the enthusiasm that had filled the room earlier. Eleanor took her seat, a lump of regret forming in her throat. She had wanted to honor her team and her research, to share her excitement about their achievement. But all she had managed to do was confuse her audience and embarrass herself.

The rest of the evening became a blur for Eleanor, the shadow of her speech failure hanging over her. Little did she know that this was just the beginning of a night that would take an even more unexpected turn.

The night dragged on, a surreal blend of forced smiles, well-wishing toasts, and awkward conversations. Eleanor mechanically went through the motions, responding to words of praise and congratulations, her mind constantly replaying her botched speech.

Just as she was considering making an early exit, the evening took an unexpected turn. An unexpected guest arrived. A tall, elegant woman with a shock of silver hair and a radiant smile stepped into the room. It was Dr. Alexandra Turner, a Nobel laureate in Medicine and a renowned figure in the scientific community. Eleanor had admired her work for years, but they had never met in person.

A murmur swept through the room as Dr. Turner made her way towards Eleanor. Her surprise appearance had completely stolen the show. As she approached Eleanor’s table, a hush fell over the guests. Eleanor rose from her chair, feeling a sudden surge of anxiety. What could the esteemed Dr. Turner possibly want with her?

Dr. Turner smiled warmly and extended her hand. “Dr. Hughes, it’s an honor to finally meet you. I’ve been following your work and I must say, it’s nothing short of groundbreaking.”

Eleanor shook her hand, feeling a bit starstruck. “Thank you, Dr. Turner. That means a lot coming from you,” she managed to reply.

Then, to Eleanor’s surprise, Dr. Turner brought up her speech. “Your talk was quite fascinating. That centrifuge story, while a bit muddled, was endearing and brought a human touch to the complexity of your work.”

Relief washed over Eleanor. She had expected criticism, but Dr. Turner had offered kindness and understanding. They ended up having a long conversation about their shared research interests. Dr. Turner was full of insightful questions about Eleanor’s work and offered advice based on her own experiences.

To Eleanor’s surprise, the failed speech turned into a catalyst for a meaningful connection with a woman she deeply admired. The evening, which had started on a sour note, was turning around.

Later in the evening, as she was speaking with Dr. Turner, Eleanor noticed a subtle shift in the room. The awkwardness that had permeated the atmosphere after her speech seemed to have dissipated. People appeared more relaxed, engaging in lively discussions, their earlier polite but cold reception replaced with genuine warmth.

The rest of the night flew by in a flurry of stimulating conversations and laughter. When Eleanor looked back at the evening, she would still cringe at the memory of her botched speech. But it was no longer a moment of pure embarrassment. Instead, it had become a stepping stone that had led her to a memorable encounter and an evening that had, against all odds, turned into a celebration of her work.

However, the evening was not over yet, and another twist awaited Eleanor.

As the night began to wind down, the guests gradually filtered out, leaving only a few stragglers. Dr. Turner and Eleanor continued their conversation, deep in discussion about the potential future of gene therapy. The embarrassment of her botched speech had receded into the background, replaced by the thrill of connecting with a peer she deeply respected.

Suddenly, Dr. Turner paused, her gaze serious. “Eleanor,” she began, “I have a proposition for you.”

Eleanor looked at her, surprised. “What kind of proposition?”

“I’ve been wanting to start a collaborative project between different institutions. A project that can bring together the best minds in our field to work on more aggressive genetic disorders, those that have remained untouched due to their complexity.” She paused, studying Eleanor’s face. “I believe your expertise could be invaluable to this project. Would you consider joining us?”

Eleanor was taken aback. This was a huge opportunity. Working with some of the most renowned researchers in the field, spearheaded by Dr. Turner herself, was beyond what she had ever imagined.

But her mind quickly filled with doubts. Her speech mishap was still fresh in her mind, reminding her of her limitations. Could she really handle such a large responsibility? What if she messed up, like she had tonight?

She looked at Dr. Turner, her anxiety apparent. “I… I’m honored, Dr. Turner. But tonight, my speech… it was a disaster.”

Dr. Turner smiled, her eyes soft. “Eleanor, you are a brilliant scientist, not a public speaker. It’s your work that matters, not a single, flawed speech. Don’t let your fear hold you back from this opportunity.”

Those words resonated with Eleanor. She realized she was allowing her fear of public speaking to cloud her perception of her professional capabilities. She thought back to all the years of meticulous research, the countless hours she had spent in the lab, and the success of her recent project. Those were her real accomplishments, not a perfectly delivered speech.

She looked at Dr. Turner, her resolve hardened. “You’re right, Dr. Turner. I’d be honored to be a part of the project.”

Dr. Turner’s face lit up in a broad smile. “That’s wonderful, Eleanor! I believe this is the beginning of something great.”

As Eleanor left the restaurant that night, she felt an unexpected sense of exhilaration. What had started as an evening marked by embarrassment had ended with an exciting new opportunity. She looked forward to the new project with anticipation, ready to make her mark on the world of science, despite any future speeches she might have to endure.

Indeed, the night had been a rollercoaster of emotions for Dr. Eleanor Hughes. It had started with embarrassment but ended in excitement and anticipation for the future. She had learned a valuable lesson: one’s worth is not measured by a single moment but by the sum of their actions and achievements.



Rene Almendarez

Fiction writer (mostly). I choose a writing prompts. I tried to write it into a story. Whether it's good or not, I published it.