The Unseen Past

Rene Almendarez
8 min readMay 31, 2023


Once upon a time, in the year 1323, the most prominent structure in the town of Dunharrow was its formidable stone castle. Placed atop a hill, it overlooked the bustling hamlet and the lush, green lands that stretched beyond the eye could see. Its sharp, imposing turrets punctuated the sky, while its stone ramparts told tales of ancient battles and brave knights.

At the heart of this castle was the grand hall, illuminated by two massive fireplaces at either end. The glow of the fires cast flickering shadows upon the stone walls and timber ceiling beams, etching a spectral ballet. The centerpiece of this hall was a long oak table, adorned with the carved symbols of the land’s noble family, the O’Connells. Around it, discussions of politics, territorial disputes, and social affairs would often take place, peppered by raucous laughter and song.

In this time, the O’Connells were helmed by Lord Seamus O’Connell, a man of great stature and spirit. He was known far and wide for his courage, wisdom, and the undeniable kindness that often softened his stern exterior. It was he who commanded the daily affairs of the castle, his voice carrying across the grand hall with an authority that was not to be questioned. The castle thrived under his rule, its influence felt throughout the kingdom.

One day, as twilight bathed the castle in shades of orange and pink, a traveler arrived. Clad in a simple brown cloak, his identity was a mystery to all. He brought with him a strange object, a small box of extraordinary craftsmanship, ornate and bejeweled. The box was said to contain a great power, one that could transform the destiny of the O’Connells and Dunharrow.

As the traveler presented the box to Lord Seamus in the grand hall, a hush fell over the gathering. Everyone watched with bated breath as the lord accepted the box, his eyes reflecting the flames dancing in the fireplaces. Little did they know that this moment would reverberate through time, profoundly affecting the destiny of the castle and its future inhabitants.

As Seamus opened the box, a brilliant light enveloped the room. And then, everything changed…

Fast forward to the year 2023. The O’Connell Castle, now a historical monument and tourist attraction, still stood proud atop the hill. But Dunharrow had transformed from a quaint town into a bustling city, with its urban skyline starkly contrasting the ancient castle’s stone and timber facade. The centuries had weathered the castle, but its grandeur remained, a silent testament to the region’s rich history.

The grand hall of the castle had been maintained meticulously, with its massive fireplaces and long oak table reminding visitors of a bygone era. It was here that the town held its annual community meetings, school field trips, and history buff gatherings. The grandeur of the hall, now under soft LED lighting, sparked imaginations, taking people back to a time of knights, lords, and intriguing mysteries.

Jessica O’Connell, a direct descendant of Lord Seamus, was the castle’s caretaker. She was a historian with a deep respect for her family’s past and a fascination with the artifact that had marked a significant turning point in their lineage: the ornate, bejeweled box. It was now displayed in a secure glass case, under careful environmental controls, at the head of the grand hall.

Jessica had grown up hearing the tales of how the box had brought about a tremendous change in the castle’s destiny. Yet, the box had remained tightly sealed since that fateful day in 1323. There were no visible openings, nor any known method to unlock it. Its contents and the nature of the change it had instigated were still shrouded in mystery.

On a late spring evening, after a particularly large tour group had left, Jessica was alone in the grand hall, performing her closing duties. She paused for a moment by the display case, peering at the enigmatic box with curiosity, as she had done countless times before.

Suddenly, a strange sensation washed over her. The room seemed to shift, the air growing heavy. She looked around, but everything seemed normal. Turning back to the box, she noticed an unusual glow around it. As if being drawn in, she reached out and touched the glass case. Immediately, the room was flooded with a brilliant light. She felt a rush of energy as the box inside the case opened, revealing its contents for the first time in 700 years.

As the light subsided, Jessica looked around, realizing that the grand hall wasn’t the same anymore…

The brilliance of the light that engulfed Jessica subsided, revealing an eerily familiar yet unsettling scene. She found herself standing in the grand hall of the castle, but it was no longer the well-lit, refurbished museum room of 2023. Instead, the stone walls echoed the ancient past, lit by the flickering fires from the hearths at both ends.

The long oak table stood in the middle of the hall, laden with symbols of the O’Connell lineage. At its head, the ornate box was now open, radiating a soft, spectral glow. The room was empty, filled only with a deafening silence and shadows cast by the fires that danced ominously around her.

The grand hall doors creaked open, snapping Jessica out of her shock. In walked a group of people dressed in medieval attire, their presence solidifying Jessica’s unbelievable transition through time. Leading them was a man who bore a striking resemblance to Lord Seamus O’Connell, a sight that filled her with a complex mix of dread and fascination. However, his aura was imposing, a stark contrast to the warm, welcoming demeanor depicted in the family portraits.

His deep-set eyes fixed on Jessica as he pronounced, “You… You are an O’Connell.”

In the following days, Jessica’s initial excitement turned into a creeping dread. The box held a time-traveling gem, yes, but its purpose was far from benign. The grandeur of the castle, its romanticized past, and the adventurous notion of time travel, all gradually faded away, replaced by the chilling reality of her situation. The castle was not just a beacon of history, it was a stronghold of power, manipulation, and dark secrets that the passages of time had conveniently veiled. Jessica was a prisoner of her lineage, stuck in a time that no longer existed.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Time passed differently within the castle, with Jessica trapped in a continuous loop of ceaseless interrogation and exhaustive history lessons. The grand hall had transformed into an intimidating space, its high ceilings reverberating not with laughter and feasts but with harsh orders and manipulative scheming.

Lord Seamus O’Connell, a man she once looked up to as a heroic figure from her lineage, now seemed like a stranger. His imposing figure and the stern look in his eyes were a constant reminder of her entrapment. Alongside him, his council of advisors held an equally daunting presence. Their thirst for power and dominance was evident in every meeting they held, every question they hurled at her, and every piece of future knowledge they dissected meticulously.

Each time she was summoned into the grand hall, Jessica felt a knot tighten in her stomach. The medieval robes of the council, the grandeur of the room, and the eerie glow from the box all felt alien and intimidating. Yet, she endured, using her knowledge of the future as a way to manipulate her captors subtly, keeping them engaged while revealing as little as possible.

Jessica’s heart ached with the realization of her family’s dark past. The heroic tales she’d grown up listening to were nothing more than fictional narratives, carefully curated to hide the grim truth. The O’Connells were not the benevolent rulers she had imagined them to be. Instead, they were oppressors, exploiting their power and manipulating time to maintain their stranglehold over the people of Dunharrow.

The castle that she had once admired and loved now held her captive, its grand walls echoing the oppressive nature of her ancestors. The ornate box, a fascinating artifact she had once dreamed of understanding, now sat as a symbol of her captivity, a stark reminder of her unfortunate fate.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into a blur of unending torment for Jessica. Each day, she was forced to share information about the future. Each night, she lay awake, dwelling on the twisted realities of her heritage. But beneath the fear and despair, a fiery resolve was growing. Jessica knew she had to escape, not just for herself, but to prevent the grim future she saw unfolding if the O’Connells continued with their oppressive rule.

The crucial piece of history she held onto — the great uprising of Dunharrow’s common folk — was her only weapon. She understood its significance: if the O’Connells learned of it, they could easily thwart the rebellion and tighten their rule. If kept secret, it could potentially end their tyranny. The decision to withhold this information was clear, but it came with a terrifying sense of responsibility.

Simultaneously, Jessica started studying the time-traveling box meticulously. Its glow was mesmerizing, a painful reminder of her journey through time. However, she believed that the key to her escape resided within it. During her lonely nights, she would sneak into the grand hall, pouring over the box, trying to decipher the secrets it held.

After countless nights of studying the box, Jessica noticed an intricate pattern that she had initially missed — a sequence of tiny symbols etched into the base of the box, which resembled some sort of a lock mechanism. Taking a deep breath, she started manipulating the symbols in the order of the O’Connell lineage as she knew it from the future.

As she arranged the last symbol, the box began to glow brighter. A surge of energy filled the room, and the familiar sensation of time shifting washed over her. She held her breath, hoping that this was her ticket back to 2023.

When the light faded, Jessica found herself back in the grand hall of 2023. It was the same room, filled with cold, sterile LED lights and historical artifacts. Yet, everything felt different. She was different.

Her time-traveling journey hadn’t altered the course of history as she had initially feared. The great uprising still happened, and the O’Connell royal lineage ended when it was supposed to. The world around her had remained unchanged, oblivious to her ordeal.

Yet, Jessica was not the same. Her experiences had irrevocably altered her perspective of her lineage, history, and herself. The castle no longer felt like a beacon of history or a symbol of her family’s proud lineage. Instead, it was a dark reminder of the twisted narrative of power and oppression.

Jessica took a final look at the box.

Her hands trembled as she lifted her hands for a pushing posture. The priority is absolute for her now, no one else deserves the things that she just escaped from. With her remaining strength, she pushed down the table stand.

“Enough,” she whispered, her voice echoing through the empty hall. With a force born of desperation and fear, she pushed the table onto the stone floor. There was a deafening crash, and shards of the box scattered across the hall.

In the silence that followed, Jessica crumpled to the floor, an odd sense of relief washing over her. She was beyond tired, her body, mind, and spirit pushed to their limits. Yet, there was an undeniable feeling of resolution. The cycle had been broken, the box was destroyed, and her horrific journey through time was finally over.

Jessica left Dunharrow the following day, leaving behind the castle and its dark secrets, carrying with her the burden of her lineage’s history and her shattered mental state. The grand hall fell silent once more, a silent monument to the dark legacy of the O’Connells and a testament to one woman’s quiet strength and determination.



Rene Almendarez

Fiction writer (mostly). I choose a writing prompts. I tried to write it into a story. Whether it's good or not, I published it.